Comment 2 for bug 1035271

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Hubert Krause (hubert-krause) wrote :


Sorry, I've send my reply with the wrong email adress, thats why it take so long. Now here my reply:

I am Sorry for this wrong Bugreport because:

> SELECT @@global.wait_timeout;

gives 28800 on the mysql5.1 server and 600 on the mariadb server. If I
delete the setting "wait_timeout = 600" from my.cnf (yes, I didn't look
there before reporting this bug... sorry again) "SELECT @@global.wait_timeout;"
gives 28800.

But nevertheless it is a strange default in my.cnf for wait_timeout
because the difference between internal default of 28800 and the
configured default of 600 in the my.cnf delivered by
mysql-common_5.3.7-mariadb116~squeeze package from is big. Maybe
this setting should be removed in future versions of this package.

Thank you very much for your help,

Hubert Krause