Comment 9 for bug 1799742

Revision history for this message
Felipe Rodrigues (felipefutty) wrote :

Using: Netapp drive (vlan support) as dhss true!

To reproduce the bug, it is required to enable segmentation extension
in neutron config file and add the physical net name in the manila config
file (neutron_physical_net_name). Then, follow:

1. Create a segmented net:

$ openstack network create segmented-net

2. Crate 3 segmenets in the segmented net:

$ openstack network segment create --network-type vlan --network segmented-net --segment 350 segment-350 --physical-network physnet1
$ openstack network segment create --network-type vlan --network segmented-net --segment 360 segment-360 --physical-network physnet1
$ openstack network segment create --network-type vlan --network segmented-net --segment 370 segment-370 --physical-network physnet1

3. Create 3 subnetes in the segmented net, being each one linked to one of the previous created segments:

$ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --dhcp --gateway --network segmented-net seg350-subnet --network-segment segment-350
$ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --dhcp --gateway --network segmented-net seg360-subnet --network-segment segment-360
$ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --dhcp --gateway --network segmented-net seg370-subnet --network-segment segment-370

4. Show the segmented net for getting the net id and subnets id:

$ openstack network show segmented-net

The fields that matter:
| id | 1147ddf4-f9a3-4609-862f-83e06a7fb51c |
| segments | [{'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:physical_network': 'physnet1', 'provider:segmentation_id': 3556}, {'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:physical_network': 'physnet1', 'provider:segmentation_id': 350}, {'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:physical_network': 'physnet1', 'provider:segmentation_id': 360}, {'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:physical_network': 'physnet1', 'provider:segmentation_id': 370}] |
| subnets | 188b25c0-a7f8-4733-8096-e37d2cce8a20, a99f32a6-6ecc-4aa0-9e14-5b0e672832d9, ee1f537e-6d21-4d64-bc89-8b22dfc8788c |

5. Getting the previous ids, create 3 manila share-net in the segmented net,
being each one linked to one of the subnets:

$ manila share-network-create --neutron-net-id 1147ddf4-f9a3-4609-862f-83e06a7fb51c --neutron-subnet-id 188b25c0-a7f8-4733-8096-e37d2cce8a20 --name share-seg350

- The output field share network subnets has segmentation_id None:
| share_network_subnets | [{'id': '44362247-a3ec-4921-97a9-5e6622e4be31', 'availability_zone': None, 'created_at': '2020-04-15T13:45:27.000000', 'updated_at': None, 'segmentation_id': None, 'neutron_net_id': '1147ddf4-f9a3-4609-862f-83e06a7fb51c', 'neutron_subnet_id': '188b25c0-a7f8-4733-8096-e37d2cce8a20', 'ip_version': None, 'cidr': None, 'network_type': None, 'mtu': None, 'gateway': None}] |

$ manila share-network-create --neutron-net-id 1147ddf4-f9a3-4609-862f-83e06a7fb51c --neutron-subnet-id ee1f537e-6d21-4d64-bc89-8b22dfc8788c --name share-seg360

- The output field share network subnets has segmentation_id None:
| share_network_subnets | [{'id': '90b3ab4f-51c6-4d92-8dd8-62917aee0907', 'availability_zone': None, 'created_at': '2020-04-15T13:45:58.000000', 'updated_at': None, 'segmentation_id': None, 'neutron_net_id': '1147ddf4-f9a3-4609-862f-83e06a7fb51c', 'neutron_subnet_id': 'ee1f537e-6d21-4d64-bc89-8b22dfc8788c', 'ip_version': None, 'cidr': None, 'network_type': None, 'mtu': None, 'gateway': None}] |

$ manila share-network-create --neutron-net-id 1147ddf4-f9a3-4609-862f-83e06a7fb51c --neutron-subnet-id a99f32a6-6ecc-4aa0-9e14-5b0e672832d9 --name share-seg370

- The output field share network subnets has segmentation_id None:
| share_network_subnets | [{'id': 'b7d339ec-fc26-457a-9dc9-327d17c21085', 'availability_zone': None, 'created_at': '2020-04-15T13:46:40.000000', 'updated_at': None, 'segmentation_id': None, 'neutron_net_id': '1147ddf4-f9a3-4609-862f-83e06a7fb51c', 'neutron_subnet_id': 'a99f32a6-6ecc-4aa0-9e14-5b0e672832d9', 'ip_version': None, 'cidr': None, 'network_type': None, 'mtu': None, 'gateway': None}] |

6. The created share networks have not segment value, it's set after creating a share.
So, create a share with each prvious share networks:

$ manila create --share-network share-seg350 --share-type netapp --name share-seg350 NFS 1
$ manila create --share-network share-seg360 --share-type netapp --name share-seg360 NFS 1
$ manila create --share-network share-seg370 --share-type netapp --name share-seg370 NFS 1

7. Having a look at the segmentation value of each share network, they have the same value (the bug):

$ manila share-network-show share-seg350
| share_network_subnets | [{... 'segmentation_id': 370, ... }] |

$ manila share-network-show share-seg360
| share_network_subnets | [{... 'segmentation_id': 370, ... }] |

$ manila share-network-show share-seg370
| share_network_subnets | [{... 'segmentation_id': 370, ... }] |