Comment 0 for bug 1338825

Revision history for this message
Pete Zaitcev (zaitcev) wrote : Manila only listens on IPv4

[zaitcev(admin)@simbelmyne ~]$ netstat -atn | grep 8786
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
[zaitcev(admin)@simbelmyne ~]$
[zaitcev(admin)@simbelmyne ~]$ telnet simbelmyne 8786
Trying fd2d:acfb:74cc:1::a...
telnet: connect to address fd2d:acfb:74cc:1::a: Connection refused
Connected to simbelmyne.
Escape character is '^]'.

telnet> c
Connection closed.
[zaitcev(admin)@simbelmyne ~]$

[root@simbelmyne zaitcev]# ps auxw| grep manila
manila 5018 0.0 0.3 316968 42868 ? Ss 16:57 0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/manila-api --config-file /usr/share/manila/manila-dist.conf --config-file /etc/manila/manila.conf --logfile /var/log/manila/api.log

[root@simbelmyne zaitcev]# grep listen /etc/manila/manila.conf
# IP address for OpenStack Share API to listen (string value)
# port for os share api to listen (integer value)

[root@simbelmyne zaitcev]# more /usr/share/manila/manila-dist.conf
# XXX Oslo prevents Manila from starting unless this file exists

In conjunction with a bug in manilaclient (to be addressed separately -- it gives up after first failure), this prevents Manila from working at all.