Comment 4 for bug 930462

Revision history for this message
Mark Sapiro (msapiro) wrote :

All of the reports in comment #2 appear to be legitimate bounces. The first 14 addresses in the notice in comment #3 also appear to be legitimate. The remaining "Domain has exceeded the max emails per hour (400) allowed. Message discarded." messages indeed appear to be the result of a quota on outgoing mail from your domain imposed by your hosting provider. This is not a Mailman issue. Mailman has been told the address was undeliverable, so Mailman treats it as a bounce.

The problem is your hosting service apparently can't support a mailman list with more than about 400 subscribers and can't support even that many if there is more than one post in an hour. This probably means it won't support anything that generates mail to more than 400 recipients in an hour.

This is something you will have to discuss with your hosting provider. There is little that Mailman can do about it. See the FAQ at <>. There is a patch attached to that FAQ which implements throttling, but installation of that patch would have to be done by the hosting provider.

Regarding backups, only the hosting provider can tell you if they made any backups and if they still have them. They would need to restore Mailman's lists/purrs1/config.pck file from an appropriate backup.