Comment 2 for bug 266284

Revision history for this message
Swelljoe (swelljoe) wrote :

Both systems have been upgraded from older versions of
Mailman, and they have both config.db and config.pck files.
 Only the config.db file contains the email addresses in

There is no "old, inactive version" of any of the lists, but
perhaps the upgrades to the 2.1 series mailman did not go as
well as I'd assumed (the upgrades happened a very long time
ago now--users have just recently started becoming abusive
about the monthly barrage of membership reminders, so I
needed to do something about it).

So, I guess I just need to figure out how to make it stop
sending reminders to users in the config.db (strange...I
don't get two reminders, even though I'm in both the old and
new version of the list). If I have a config.pck file, does
that mean I can safely remove the config.db file? I'm
unable to find any cronjob configuration that runs this
program, I assume it is something that the mailman qrunner
server triggers?