Comment 1 for bug 1568547

Revision history for this message
Mark Sapiro (msapiro) wrote :

The underlying issue is redirects lose POST data. Most mainstream browsers when receiving a 301 or 302 in response to a POST will issue a GET of the new URI. HTTP 1.1 defined 307 and 308 redirects to specifically say that the browser should use the same request method for the new URI, but if the server is issuing a 301 or 302 redirect rather than a 307 or 308, the POST data is lost.

Your issue is not due to a Mailman change as the only change in this area was in Mailman 2.1.12 and that change made more URLs relative, not fewer. However, Your Mailman installation is cPanel, and this could be a cPanel issue. See , but is definitely being redirected to with a 301 redirect. Many other cPanel Mailman hosts don't do this redirection as it breaks other things too.

Depending on how much access you have to the actual Mailman installation on the server, you may be able to change things. At around line 204 in Mailman/Cgi/ you'll see

        # Now print the results and we're done. Short circuit for when there
        # are no pending requests, but be sure to save the results!
        admindburl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admindb', absolute=1)

if you remove the ", absolute=1" from the last of those to make it

        admindburl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admindb')

that should make the form action URL relative.

As for changing this in the upstream code, there are several places where absolute URLs are generated in this way. I don't know the historical reasons for this or what the unintended consequences might be if they were changed, so I'm reluctant to do so.

It definitely appears that has made mods to the basic cPanel Mailman, e.g. the "delegated access" on the admin(db) login pages and the lack of a link in the footer to "Overview of all mailing lists" (which is another thing that wouldn't work because of the redirect), so they ought to fix this too.