Comment 8 for bug 1020683

Revision history for this message
Robert Arlt Jr. (dukrat) wrote :

"And wouldn't this be the case if @listC was in listB's accept_these_nonmembers and @listB was in listA's accept_these_nonmembers and accept_these_nonmembers were processed recursively?"

Yes, but what if I only wanted listC to be able to send to listA and not listB (I personally don't want to do this, but I could see someone else wanting to).

"served by a common server instance"

Yes, that would be an expected requirement for this feature to work.

"I can visualize both use cases."

I can as well. In my view of the issue I believe that allowing everyone on listB to submit is the better option as I can easily make a list composed of those allowed to send unmoderated to listB, call it listB2 and add listB2 to listB then use listB2 as the list allowed to send to listA (all of this assuming recursion is implemented).

"with Mailman 3... various riffs on this should be doable"

Thanks for letting me know, I will look into that.