Comment 1 for bug 800917

Revision history for this message
Hugh Davenport (hugh-davenport) wrote :

version no for 1.4_STABLE
 1.4.1testing (2011061003)
version no for master
 1.5.0dev (2011062100)

merge base between branches
version no for merge base
 1.4.0alpha2dev (2011051700)

Basically, the upgrade doesn't run the if statements in lib/db/upgrade.db with the following version nos
(taken from git diff 1.4_STABLE..master htdocs/lib/db/upgrade.php)
2011051300 - delete wwwroot
2011052400 - ctime in view access
2011053100 - default quota for institutions
2011053101 - group quota
2011060700 - retain view access on copy, and cronjob for sitemap (should be in seperate one...)
2011060701 - set onlineuserssideblockmaxusers to 10, and add showonlineusers field to institutions

This will be a difficult one, and will get worse when 1.4_STABLE version no is bumped

What I suggest for now
- bump version no on master, add all the stuff it might of missed (making sure to test whether it has been done already or not...)
- in future, when we bump version no on 1.4_STABLE, we need to check if anything will be missed on the upgrade, and bump masters version to add in stuff that may not be done