Comment 0 for bug 771144

Revision history for this message
Dominique-Alain JAN (dajan) wrote :

Note for François, in the future I will try to use git to edit these kind of "typo" by myself. when I will be more confortable with this big thing.

I found a "blog" occurence in view.php instead of "journal"

So the string :

$string['deleteviewconfirmnote'] = '<strong>NOTE:</strong> All your files and blog entries that you linked in this page will still be available.<br/>However, any feedback placed on this page as well as text entered directly into text boxes will be deleted.';

should be
$string['deleteviewconfirmnote'] = '<strong>NOTE:</strong> All your files and journal that you linked in this page will still be available.<br/>However, any feedback placed on this page as well as text entered directly into text boxes will be deleted.';