Comment 0 for bug 547677

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Chris Walsh (fitzwalsh) wrote :

I didn't see this in my quick scan of the requests, so my apologies if this has already been requested.

If you're an admin, it's confusing to have the admin functions/navigation replace the main navigation with buttons that are the same color, etc. Not only is it visually confusing, but it also forces you to leave "admin" mode before returning to do any of the normal functions.

In most systems, one of two things happens when you want to go into admin functions:
1) You go to a noticeably different interface (different page layout, color scheme, etc.)
2) You stay in the main interface (without losing any functionality), but you get additional access to admin functions via a noticeably separate set of buttons or menus.

I generally prefer #2. That's how Drupal and Moodle do it, but interfaces like Google Apps prove that #1 can work well too.

In the short term, I'd suggest at least making the colors for any admin related buttons a different color. I guess I could go into the CSS to make this happen now if I wanted to, but I think it's important enough to make for default installations as well.


Chris : )