Comment 0 for bug 547589

Revision history for this message
Nigel-catalyst (nigel-catalyst) wrote :

We need to know the remote application's jumpurl so we can send the user there to log in again if necessary.

See auth/xmlrpc/lib.php:

        elseif (!$this->parent) {
            // Redirect back to their IDP if they don't have a parent auth method set
            // (aka: they can't log in at Mahara's log in form)
            $peer = get_peer($this->wwwroot);
            // TODO: This should be stored in the application config table
            $jumpurl = str_replace('land', 'jump', $peer->application->ssolandurl);
            redirect($this->wwwroot . $jumpurl . '?hostwwwroot=' . dropslash(get_config('wwwroot')) . '&wantsurl=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));