Comment 0 for bug 2016982

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Moritz Haisch (mhaisch) wrote :

When the "Configurable Theme" has been activated for an institution of an installation, the custom header logo of that institution is replaced by the standard Mahara logo.

Tested on Mahara version 22.10.0 on Linux, PHP version 7.4, DB Postgres. Mahara installation with multiple institutions.


Precondition: Activate the "Configurable Theme" for an institution and save the changes.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Head to the institution's settings.
2. Upload a custom logo and save the changes.
3. Open any page of the application while being logged in to the institution which you have just set the custom logo up for.

Expected result: You will see your chosen custom header logo AND the theme colors of the "Configurable Theme" you have set up.

Actual result: You will see the Mahara site in your chosen "Configurable Theme" colors. When reloading any page you will shortly see your chosen custom logo flash up in the header bar and then be quickly replaced by the standard Mahara logo.


Possible fix: By experimenting around in the theme files for the custom theme I was able to find a temporary fix by commenting out two functions in the /htdocs/theme/custom/js/theme.js file (around line 300) responsible for adapting the Mahara logo to the custom theme header bar colors:


I suspect these functions are at fault for replacing the chosen custom logo with the standard Mahara logo once the page has loaded.

Sadly, I will not be able to apply this same fix to our production system since we abstain from any theme changes. Therefore, it would be great to get in a fix for this issue with one of the upcoming releases! :)

Please feel free