Comment 0 for bug 1891951

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Rebecca Blundell (rjb-dev) wrote :

Automating manual test. Test from spreadsheet is below:

When “Make public” is set to “Yes”, comment moderation should kick in automatically as per

We test anonymous comments in social/add_delete_comments.feature. We can add a check to this to make sure moderation is forced for anonymous comments.

1. Because the feature name is mis-leading, let's rename it to anonymous_comments.feature
2. After Joe Anonymous makes his comment, add a check that he sees "Comment submitted, awaiting moderation"
3. When the page owner logs back in, confirm that the anonymous comment says "This comment is private - " and they can click the button for "Make comment public"
4. Review test content. Decide whether page mtime scenario makes sense here or if it should be in a separate file.