Comment 6 for bug 1859355

Revision history for this message
Rangi Daymond (rangid) wrote :

- Code/Gerrit: Patch set 1
- Browser tested: Chrome
- Theme: Raw

Test Scenario 1: Only a peer assessment author (or site administrator) can delete it.

1. PersonA has created Page1 with a peer assessment block.
2. PersonA shares Page1 as follows:
   - PersonB: role 'Peer and manager'
   - PersonC: role 'Peer'
   - Site admin: 'No special role'
3. PersonB publishes PeerAssessmentB.
4. PersonC publishes PeerAssessmentC1 and PeerAssessmentC2.

1. PersonA is logged in and views Page1, 'Add peer assessment' is NOT present and PeerAssessmentB is visible and does NOT have a delete icon, PeerAssessmentC1 and PeerAssessmentC2 are visible and each does NOT have a delete icon. ✔
2. PersonB is logged in and views Page1, 'Add peer assessment' is present and PeerAssessmentB is visible and has a delete icon, PeerAssessmentC1 and PeerAssessmentC2 are visible and neither have a delete icon. ✔
3. PersonC is logged in and views Page1, 'Add peer assessment' is present and PeerAssessmentB is visible and does NOT have a delete icon, PeerAssessmentC1 and PeerAssessmentC2 are visible and both have a delete icon. ✔
4. Site admin is logged in and views Page1, 'Add peer assessment' is NOT present and PeerAssessmentB, C1 & C2 are visible and each have a delete icon. ✔
5. Site admin can select the PeerAssessmentB delete icon and confirm to delete it. ✔
6. PersonB is logged in and views Page1. 'Add peer assessment' is present and PeerAssessmentB and PeerAssessmentC2 are displayed. Select the PeerAssessmentB delete icon and confirm the deletion and removal. ✔
7. PersonB can publish another peer assessment for PersonA. ✔

Test Scenario 2: Only a peer assessment author (or site administrator) can delete their own peer assessment when the sign-off block is present.

1. PersonA has created Page1 with a peer assessment block and the sign-off block, but the page is not yet signed off
2-4 are as per preconditions in test scenario 1.

Follow the steps from test scenario 1. ✔

Test sceanrio 3: Page has peer assessments and is signed off, only site admin can delete those.
1. PersonA has created Page1 with a peer assessment block and a sign-off block, the page is signed off
2-4 are as per preconditions in test scenario 1.

Follow the steps from test scenario 1 - however, only the Site admin user will see and be able to use the delete icons ✔

Catalyst QA Approved ✔