Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Robert Lyon (<email address hidden>) Branch: 18.10_STABLE
commit 29d2869efef4598fba981d288a3a1fc4f4c8d7f8 Author: Robert Lyon <email address hidden> Date: Sun Nov 10 10:25:58 2019 +1300
Bug 1853066: Trying to get jenkins to ignore the elasticsearch test
In this instance, scenarios tagged as @manual will be ignored unless the CLI command is run with the @manual tag
mahara_behat run @manual
or if the CLI command is run with the suite tag
mahara_behat run @core
Change-Id: I8563965e0e5ced692ce9cc24206c791965adba61 Signed-off-by: Robert Lyon <email address hidden> (cherry picked from commit e552d19996cad4d44cdd2fa7d7d8bc212c5a1bd5)
Reviewed: https:/ /reviews. mahara. org/10621 /git.mahara. org/mahara/ mahara/ commit/ 29d2869efef4598 fba981d288a3a1f c4f4c8d7f8
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Robert Lyon (<email address hidden>)
Branch: 18.10_STABLE
commit 29d2869efef4598 fba981d288a3a1f c4f4c8d7f8
Author: Robert Lyon <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Nov 10 10:25:58 2019 +1300
Bug 1853066: Trying to get jenkins to ignore the elasticsearch test
In this instance, scenarios tagged as @manual will be ignored unless the
CLI command is run with the @manual tag
mahara_behat run @manual
or if the CLI command is run with the suite tag
mahara_behat run @core
Change-Id: I8563965e0e5ced 692ce9cc24206c7 91965adba61 44cdd2fa7d7d8bc 212c5a1bd5)
Signed-off-by: Robert Lyon <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit e552d19996cad4d