Comment 5 for bug 1744351

Revision history for this message
Steven (stevens-q) wrote :

Manually ran the following Behat test:

Environment tested: Master
Browser tested: Chrome

Behat Test Script

@javascript @core @core_institution @core_artefact
Feature: Public key expiration date is current date for service access tokens Edit
    As an admin
    When I generate a service access token for a Mahara user
    And I do not enable web services security (XML-RPC Only)
    I do not see Public key expires data

Given the following "users" exist:
    | username | password | email | firstname | lastname | institution | authname | role |
    | UserA | Kupuhipa1 | <email address hidden> | Angela | User | Institution A | internal | admin |
    | UserB | Kupuhipa1 | <email address hidden> | Bob | User | Institution A | internal | member |

Scenario: Admin user generate a service access token for a Mahara user
    Given I log in as "UserA" with password "Kupuhipa1"
    And I am on "/admin/index.php?open=webservices_token"
    # Need step def for step below (And I fill in input "Username:" with "Bob" and select first autosuggestion)
    And I fill in "Username:" with "Bob"
    When I press "Generate token"
    Then I should see "Service access tokens"
    And I should not see "Public key expires"

Catalyst QA Approved ✔