Comment 0 for bug 1666099

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Cecilia Vela Gurovic (ceciliavg) wrote :

When adding journal entries blocks to a page, we can see and select the entries marked as draft.

We should be following what was defined in bug#1387858

"So the full solution would be something like this:

1. In the artefact selector for the journal entry block, we prevent the user from selecting any Draft journal entries

2. AND if they select a Published journal entry, and then change that entry back to Draft later, we no longer display the journal entry's content in the block.

2a. Instead we show a placeholder that says something like "This journal entry has not yet been published."

2b. We should show that same placeholder to the journal owner themselves, as well. That'll make it crystal clear to them that the entry is not visible. Maybe we also give them a link to the journal entry's artefact page so that they can publish it there."

To test:
In a personal journal add an entry and publish it, add a second entry and mark it as draft (unpublish).
Edit a page, add a block "Journal entry".
Click on search and see both entries available, we should only see the published one.