Comment 5 for bug 1560739

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

Okay, it does work with the latest version of gulp-bless, which in turn relies on version 4.0.2 of node-bless.

But, I don't really know enough about npm to update this without also updating node-sass. And updating that causes these errors when I try to build CSS:

Error in plugin 'sass'
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: ../../../lib/bootstrap/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/mixins
       Parent style sheet: /home/aaronw/www/mahara/htdocs/theme/raw/sass/utilities/_bootstrap-index.scss
        on line 2 of htdocs/theme/raw/sass/utilities/_bootstrap-index.scss
>> @import "../../../lib/bootstrap/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/mixins";

And in turn, I'm not exactly sure why that @import line is failing now, when it worked before. Actually, after reading up on SASS and SCSS syntax I'm not sure why that line *ever* worked, because @import is supposed to only work with individual files, not whole directories. It seems like it may be that @import with "bootstrap" works when you're using the "bootstrap-sass" npm module. But, although we're building bootstrap with sass via npm, we are not actually using bootstrap-sass. Instead we've got bootstrap and all its files sitting under htdocs/lib/bootstrap.

So, updating bless would also mean untangling whatever's going on with our Bootstrap setup, and since things are stable as they are, that can wait for now.