Comment 6 for bug 1558361

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Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :


That's right, I meant that for auth instance config, we could put the config into a docked modal. Like the ones we use for block instance configuration.

Thinking about it this morning, I can think of three main approaches:

1. The modal window I mentioned before.

2. Similar to Profile -> Social Media, we could move the list of the institution's auth instances onto a separate page from the rest of the institution's configuration form. And then, from that list page, have buttons to navigate to the add/edit form and back again.

3. Dynamically insert the auth instance config into the same page as the institution form, using Javascript. This would be most similar to how we used to the "add file attachment" buttons for Resume -> Goals & Skills, prior to 15.10. But I think this would probably require more code change, because currently the processing of the auth instance config forms is handled by a separate PHP script than the rest of the institution config.

4. Just leave this one there, and rely on admins to be smart enough to close it when they're done with it, and not use it for general browsing. In favor of this approach: the window does close itself when you submit the form. Against this approach: it would not be surprising for some auth instance config forms to have links to external pages in their help fields.

I think the modal window (#1) is probably the one that will require the least code change and be the best user interface. However, because our modal window code changed so much from 15.04 to 15.10, it may be challenging to backport that. If that's then maybe we should do the modal window (idea #1) for 15.10+, and the separate list page (idea #2) for 15.04 and earlier.