Comment 0 for bug 1519516

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

I've now encountered two users on the support forums who had issues upgrading because they had copied over their existing Mahara site, and now have duplicate methods defined in the (old) multirecipient artefact plugin and the (new) multirecipient module plugin:

This was caused because in Bug 1468156, we refactored this plugin from an artefact to a module. Apparently some users upgrade their sites through this process:

1. Download & unzip the new release
2. Copy the release into their existing Mahara webroot
3. When prompted, replace existing files in the webroot with new versions from the zip.

The problem is this leaves the old files in place. Thus far, this approach has not caused any crashes, though I imagine it might lead to some strange behaviors, like possibly extra CSS files getting loaded, and the redundant ContactInfo block still being around. But the multirecipient module is perhaps the first case of us moving a library file from one location to another, and that results in the user having two library files that define some methods with the same name, and that's a problem in Mahara.

Since this has been common enough to come up twice in the forum, it would probably be a good idea to address it somehow.