Comment 0 for bug 1515826

Revision history for this message
Ghada El-Zoghbi (ghada-z) wrote :

$config->version = 2015092910;
$config->series = '15.10';
$config->release = '15.10.0';

DB: Postgres
OS: Linux

When exporting a portfolio as HTML, we get the following "error" on the screen:

Could not copy static file '/var/www/demo-mahara-org-prod-mahara/releases/20151111220737/theme/views.css'

htdocs/theme/views.css was removed in commit: 7bbb9da3d0719e01baf412dac4eb37bf027ebb7e

as it's no longer required. Yet, the export is still requiring it in:

htdocs/export/html/lib.php::copy_static_files() -

       $filestocopy = array(
           get_config('docroot') . 'theme/views.css' => $staticdir . 'views.css',