Comment 0 for bug 1494133

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

To replicate:

1. Clean install of Mahara 1.3 or 1.4
2. Upgrade to Mahara 15.04 (via CLI; I haven't tested via the web upgraded)

Expected result: Successful upgrade
Actual result: Crashes with this fatal error:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SQLException' with message 'Failed to get a recordset: postgres8 error: [-18: ERROR: relation "institution_config" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT field, value FROM "institution_config" WHERE "institu...
                                 ^] in EXECUTE("SELECT field, value FROM "institution_config" WHERE "institution" = ? ORDER BY field ")
Command was: SELECT field, value FROM "institution_config" WHERE "institution" = ? ORDER BY field and values was (mahara)' in mahara/htdocs/lib/dml.php:480
Stack trace:
#0 mahara/htdocs/lib/dml.php(429): get_recordset_sql('SELECT field, v...', Array)
#1 mahara/htdocs/lib/dml.php(393): get_recordset_select('institution_con...', '"institution" =...', Array, 'field', 'field, value', '', '')
#2 mahara/htdocs/lib/dml.php(719): get_recordset('institution_con...', 'institution', 'mahara', 'field', 'field, value')
#3 mahara/htdocs/lib/institution.php(277): get_records_menu('instit in /home/aaronw/www/mahara/htdocs/lib/dml.php on line 480

Works fine when upgrading from 1.1, 1.2, or 1.5. So it's probably caused by some discrepancy between the 1.3 & 1.4 upgrade vs clean install.