Comment 4 for bug 1490569

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Gordon McLeod (g-mcleod1) wrote :

Hi Kristina,
Sorry for the delay - start of term!

I've re-tested based on your comments, and have discovered a doozy of a knock-on effect - which either confuses or clarifies the bug. I'll outline the testing steps as I carried them out to discover what's actually happening - though I can't say how the effect is being caused.

Sort shared pages & collections by "most recently updated"
Display within the block reads "Collections shared with this group"
Result - order changes from what was displayed under alphabetical. No date information is displayed so can only presume it is chronological

Sort submitted pages and collections by "most recently updated"
Display within the block reads "Submissions to this group"
Result - the order doesn't change from alphabetical
Dates show 'time of submission' and are not chronologically ordered
eg 1st four items in sequence display following submission dates 20 Aug 2.12pm, 20 Aug 8.00pm, 21st Aug 12.26pm, 19 Aug 1.42pm, and the titles are alphabetical Brandon, Caitlin, Mansour, Matthew.

I THEN discovered that if I switch "Sort shared pages and collections" back to Alphabetical while leaving sumbitted pages as 'most recently updated' the "Submissions to this group" order then changes - and this time does display chronologically. So it appears that sorting by date in the SHARED sort menu has an affect on the display of the SUBMITTED sort order.

Regards, Gordon.