Comment 1 for bug 1482410

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Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

Using a for-loop and the PHP chr() command, I individually tested each ASCII character in the middle of an otherwise acceptable XML file. I tested them plain, after passing through htmlspecialchars(), and after passing through htmlentities(). Here is the list of the decimal integer codes for the ASCII characters that cause SimpleXML to choke. None of them are escaped by htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities().

$baddies = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31);

To help with testing (because it's not always easy to generate these characters), I've attached a file controlcharacters.txt which contains all 29 of these characters, in between <bad> tags. Depending on your text editor, opening it you may just see "<bad></bad>". But if you select the whole thing and paste it into a Mahara page title, you should be able to replicate the problem

To replicate:

1. Create a Mahara page with one or more of the forbidden characters in its page title
2. Export the page to Leap2a
3. Import the Leap2a file back into Mahara

Expected result: You've imported a copy of the page
Actual result: You get an error stack with the SimpleXML parser error as part of it.