Comment 0 for bug 1455137

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David Truong (dttam2) wrote : Edit access not working in french

This is a follow up on Bug #1376997 Date picker not working for certain languages
The date picker works with the format when editing access (shared by me).

However if you are to change in langconfig.php the parameters to a french format:
$string['calendar_dateFormat']= 'dd/mm/yy';
$string['strftimedatetimeshort'] = '%%d/%%m/%%Y %%H:%%M';

You can use the date picker and define a new access. However, you cannot edit a preexisting access besause it doesnt show up when you go to edit it. You are forced to redefine all your access if you want to modify anything.

Theres also a problem when you try to define "Access start date/time" and "Access end date/time" in the Advanced option. It will take the dd/mm/yy format of the datepicker. However, you cannot choose a day higher then 12. You can on the other hand enter a mm/dd/yy format into the textbox manually to define the access.

If the code itself is too complicated to fix, there should at least be a converter to show the chosen date format to the users.