Comment 12 for bug 1437291

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Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

Hi Domi,

After digging into this a little more, I'm a little less sanguine about the HTML export. There are actually several known bugs in HTML export, which result in the exported HTML being a little rough. For instance, the PDF blocktype doesn't work correctly in the export, some image links break, the navigation block breaks, and page themes and skins are not applied (instead the export is styled with a subset of the "default" theme).

Here's a link to the current open bugs for the HTML export:

I suspect there are more HTML export bugs that we're not aware of, since lately it's been a seldom-used corner of the code.

What we really need to do is a test of every blocktype and artefact type, and all places that accept embedded images, in an HTML export, and see whether they break or not. Kristina suggests you might be willing to help us out with that? And in doing so, you can get a sense of how well the HTML export currently works, and whether the blocks that are most important to your students are working correctly or not.
