Comment 0 for bug 1417364

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

When you use Mahara's makefile to push a patch to, it runs a minaccept script which checks for various simple errors. One of the things it includes is a check for the word "from" or "join" not followed by a curly bracket. The idea is that this is supposed to be a check for SQL queries that haven't properly escaped table names. In order to support the $cfg->dbprefix setting, raw SQL is supposed to surround table names with curly brackets, e.g. "select * from {view}".

The problem is, this check throws a LOT of false positives, because the word "from" is a common English word, often used in comments, function names, and variables. These false positives then lead people to ignore the rest of the output from the minaccept script.

Robert suggested that we should do this:

1. Drop the from/join check in minaccept

2. Update the Behat test so that it runs with a $cfg->dbprefix setting, so that running the Behat tests will help check for problems with this.