Comment 0 for bug 1410953

Revision history for this message
Son Nguyen (ngson2000) wrote :

Version: master (15.04), 1.10, 1.9, 1.8
Platform: PHP 5.4+
Browser: any

I got the following warning and access the "Account settings" page

[WAR] e4 (lib/mahara.php:1013) Creating default object from empty value
Call stack (most recent first):

    log_message("Creating default object from empty value", 8, true, true, "...", 1013) at ...htdocs/lib/errors.php:439
    error(2, "Creating default object from empty value", "/...", 1013, array(size 8)) at ...htdocs/lib/mahara.php:1013
    get_config_plugin_instance("auth", "26", "changepasswordurl") at ...htdocs/account/index.php:48


1. Create an institution with an external authentication plugin e.g. Persona
2. Create a new user using the above authentication.
3. Login as the user and access the "Account settings" page

You will see the warning on the screen or in the error log file.