Comment 8 for bug 1396564

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

Testing instructions:

1. Install Mahara
2. Set up an institution with the "Persona" (aka BrowserID) authentication method.
3. Create a user "user1" who is using the Persona auth method.
4. At the command-line, execute the script. As with any Mahara CLI script, depending on your filesystem permissions you will probably need to run it as the same user as Apache in order to avoid permission warnings:

cd /path/to/mahara
sudo -u www-data htdocs/admin/cli/pwreset.php

5. Running the script without any arguments should simply display a help message.

6. Running the script for "user1" should prompt you for a password, then give you a message about how the user's password could not be changed because they're not an the internal auth:

sudo -u www-data htdocs/admin/cli/pwreset.php -u=user1

7. Run it again with the -i flag, to force their auth method to be changed:

sudo -u www-data htdocs/admin/cli/pwreset.php -u=user1 -i

8. You should now be able to log in to your Mahara install as user1, using the password you entered at the command line.

9. Run it again, providing the password on the command-line:

sudo -u www-data htdocs/admin/cli/pwreset.php -u=user1 -p=password

10. Log in again as user1, with password "password". You should be forced to reset your password after you log in.

11. Run it again, with the "-f=false" flag.

sudo -u www-data htdocs/admin/cli/pwreset.php -u=user1 -p=password -f=false

12. Log in again as user1, with password "password". You should not be forced to reset your password after you log in.