Comment 0 for bug 1312672

Revision history for this message
Dominique-Alain JAN (dajan) wrote :

Bug 1 - A licence file seems to be needed to import a font but no information (*) is displayed to tell the user about it before the importation fails with the message : "This file is required".

Bug 2 - Even if a licence file is selected together with a font file, errors messages are still displayed
  - no file selected
  - this is not a valid xxx font file

Procedure 1 :

1/ Go to Administration -> Configure site -> Fonts
2/ Click on Install font
3/ Give a name (eg. Huxtable)
4/ Leave everything else like it is
5/ Select a TTF font file (e.g. the one attached to this bug report : Huxtable -> huxtable.ttf)
6/ Click on the "Install font" button

Expected behaviour :

The font is installed with the given name.

Real behaviour :

The follwing error messages are displayed :
   a/ This is not a valid EOT font file. (with no file selected in red)
   b/ This is not a valid SVG font file. (with no file selected in red)
   c/ This is not a valid WOFF font file. (with no file selected in red)
   d/ License file This field is required.

Procedure 2

1/ Repeat steps 1 to 5 of procedure 1
2/ Select a file for the licence (e.g. readthis.html)
3/ Click on "Install font" button

Expected behaviour :

The font is installed with the given name.

Real behaviour :

Same as in procedure 1 but without the error message : Licence file This field is required.

Propositions :

1/ Mark the field "Licence" as required (bold red *)
2/ Check if one file is selected and import it. If more than one file is selected import them. If no file is selected display an error message
