Comment 2 for bug 1296407

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Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

The booklet plugin deals more with labels. What Gregor's getting at, I think, is user-entered contents. It sounds like what he's asking for, is the ability for a user to enter multilingual content. For instance, if I was setting up my resume, and I wanted under educational experience to put both the English and Spanish name for my university. And then when the page is viewed by someone whose languages setting is English they would see "University of Nevada, Reno", and when the page is viewed by someone whose language setting is Spanish they would see "Universidad de Nevada a Reno".

It's hard to think of a good interface for this, though. There are two options I'm aware of, neither of which is great:

1. Moodle 1.9, I recall, let users enter content using a special Moodle-only tag that specified what language it was in and then used a post-processing text filter to swap out the proper language. Like, I would type in my university as "<filter lang="en">University of Nevada, Reno</filter><filter lang="es">Universidad de Nevada a Reno</filter>". But that's rather unwieldy, and it requires educating users about the existence of these tags.

2. Another option is to have a drop-down for language selection next to each text field where a user can enter artefact text. But that seems like it would be overkill, for a feature that would probably be rarely used.

It might be worth seeing if anyone else has solved this UI riddle, though. Are there other web applications that allow users to enter multilingual content? What do they do?

Unless we can come up with an intuitive and non-intrusive UI for this, I'm leaning more towards the booklet approach, of requiring users to create separate artefacts and separate pages, if they want to have content in separate languages.