Comment 8 for bug 1282219

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Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote : Re: Rename "Edit site pages" to "General pages"

It's a tricky one. Maybe we should ask for some feedback on the forums and/or Twitter? :)

How about "static pages"? I think that's the term that comes the closest to conveying what these things are.

It also passes the self-documenting test. If I were a new Mahara admin looking through the admin menu and I saw "edit static pages", I would imagine that it means something like the "About us" page. And coming from the other direction, if I was trying to figure out how to change the "About us" page, I'd click on "edit static pages".

It does have the downside of having the word "page" in it, but since portfolio Pages are by definition not static, it's clear it doesn't refer to those. There's still the problem that some of these "static pages" are snippets rather than pages... but no solution is perfect. :)