Comment 12 for bug 1271618

Revision history for this message
Steven (stevens-q) wrote :

Environment tested: Master
Browser tested: Chrome

1) CSV contains the following expiry dates
a) date in the past
b) todays date
c) date in the wrong format (ie 07/03/2019)
d) invalid date (ie 2020-07-32)
e) date in the future but not more than 7 days
f) date in the future greater than 7 days
2) Mahara system contains users that has an expired account and can no longer log in

1) Log in as Site admin
2) Browse to the Add users by CSV page (Admin menu > Users > Add users by CSV
3) Upload a file that contains the above data
4) Confirm the following error messages are displayed
  a) Error on line 2: The expiry "2018-02-01" cannot be in the past. ✔ (date in the past)
  b) Error on line 4: The expiry "03-04-2019" is invalid. Please use YYYY-MM-DD. ✔ (date in the wrong format (ie 07/03/2019))
  c) Error on line 5: The expiry "2019-03-32" is invalid. Please use YYYY-MM-DD. ✔ (invalid date (ie 2020-07-32))
5) Fix the above errors in the CSV by setting the date to date in the future but not more than 7 days
6) Confirm the upload is successful with no errors displayed ✔
7) Confirm that emails are sent to users that have an expiry date that is within 7 days of todays date ✔
8) Browse to the User search page and select a user that was in the CSV upload
9) Browse to the users Account settings page
10) Confirm that the Account expires date is displayed and is the same as what was in the CSV ✔
11) Log out and log in as a user that has an account that has expired
12) Confirm that user cannot log in ✔
13) Log out and log in as a user that has an account that has expired and has had their wxpiry date updated to the future
14) Confirm that the user is now able to log into their Mahara account ✔

* NOTES: *
1) If the CSV contains details of an existing user - ensure that the Update users switch is set to Yes
2) emails are not sent right away the cron must be run first - add the following to the base URL to run the cron /lib/cron.php
3) There is another patch that must be used with this patch so that the date will display in the "Account expires" field located in the Accounts page for a user

Catalyst QA Approved ✔