Comment 1 for bug 1239461

Revision history for this message
Robert Lyon (robertl-9) wrote :

Thoughts on sorting this out - will need a script to do:

Step 1: Find the duplicate feed urls: (1 db call)

SELECT COUNT(url), url, authuser, authpassword FROM {blocktype_externalfeed_data} GROUP BY url, authuser, authpassword HAVING COUNT(url) > 1 ORDER BY COUNT(url);

step 2: get the feed ids and use the 1st one to be the feed id for the block instances: (many db calls depending on how many rows from step 1 have duplicates)

SELECT id FROM {blocktype_externalfeed_data} WHERE url = ?, authuser = ?, authpassword = ?;

- add the ids to an $array[$duplicatefeed]['ids'][] and use 'ids'[0] as the 'true' id

step 3: Find the block instances using external feeds. (1 db call). Check to see if they are not using the 'true' id and update them accordingly:

SELECT id FROM {block_instance} WHERE blocktype = 'externalfeed';

- get block_instance object and get $blockfeedid from object
$blockinstance = new BlockInstance($blockid);
$configdata = $blockinstance->get('configdata');
if (!empty($configdata['feedid'])) {
    foreach ($array as $duplicatefeed => $ids) {
        foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
            if ($id == $configdata['feedid'] && $key != '0') {
         // not using the first instance id of this feed
                $configdata['feedid'] = $ids[0];
  $blockinstance->set('dirty') = true;
                $blockinstance->commit(); (possibly very many db calls)

step 4: delete the now orphaned feed id(s) rows

foreach ($array as $duplicatefeed => $ids) {
    foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
        if ($key != '0') {
            DELETE FROM {blocktype_externalfeed_data} WHERE id = ? (possibly very many db calls)

Currently I'm thinking that this approach may use too many db calls. But not sure how to get feedid from configdata column in an easier way. Maybe a preg_match on the serialized data?