Comment 5 for bug 1233896

Revision history for this message
Steven (stevens-q) wrote :

===== How to Test - configuring the file/folder as an admin =====

1. LOG IN as an admin
2. BROWSE to Administration => Extensions => Plugin type: Blocktype => file/folder [configuration]
3. From the drop down list SELECT Descending
4. BROWSE BACK to main site to a Portfolio page and ADD a folder block
5. CONFIRM that the sort order of files is set to the same default (Descending) as in step 3 above

===== Test Results =====

5. CONFIRMED that the sort order of files is set to the same default (Descending) as in step 3 above ✔

=== BUG ===

1. "Sort order of files" label should say "Default Sort Order of Files"

Catalyst QA Failed Testing ✘