Comment 1 for bug 1231755

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

Hm, I've taken a crack at implementing this, and I've got a system working for templates as described above. But, I realize I need to do something similar for static assets, i.e. images and stylesheets.

Which brings up a question of directory structures. Within the custom theme directory, should we have a directory for each plugin, each with its own "templates" and "static" subdirectories? Or, within the theme's main "templates" and "static" subdirectories should there be a separate directory for each plugin?

Option 1: Multiple "templates" and "static" subdirectories:

+- raw/
  +- templates/
    +- index.tpl
  +- static/
    +- images/
      +- mahara--logo.png
  +- blocktype/
    +- clippy/
      +- templates/
        +- clippy.tpl
      +- images/
        +- thumb.png
    +- creativecommons/
      +- templates/
        +- summary.tpl
      +- assets/
        +- images/
          +- cclogo.png

Option 2: Multiple plugin subdirectories

+- raw/
  +- templates/
    +- index.tpl
    +- blocktype/
      +- clippy/
        +- clippy.tpl
      +- creativecommons/
        +- summary.tpl
  +- static/
    +- images/
      +- mahara-logo.png
    +- blocktype/
      +- clippy/
        +- images/
          +- thumb.png
      +- creativecommons
        +- images/
          +- cclogo.png

Basically the choice comes down to grouping files together by type (static v templates) or grouping them together by plugin.