Comment 0 for bug 1038580

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Kristina Hoeppner (kris-hoeppner) wrote :

Currently (Mahara 1.6.0dev), you can attach an image to a journal entry and then choose it within TinyMCE for display inthe entry itself. Though a nice way of not having to know the URL of the image, it's still cumbersome and you always see the "Attached file" at the bottom of a journal entry.

Furthermore, this way doesn't work in text boxes and users always have to find the URL of the image in their files area first before they can work with it.

It would be better if we were able to list the images in a drop-down menu in TinyMCE all the time for users to choose comfortably without having to attach them to a journal entry first or to a text box (if we used the smae behavior as for journal entries). If a drop-down is not a possibility, maybe there is something else?

Thinking further, the infrastructure of the image picker code might then also be used to select internal Mahara URLs instead again of copying them manually. But that's another bug report #1038579.