Comment 1 for bug 1509091

Revision history for this message
Egor Guz (eghobo) wrote :

magnum bay-list
| uuid | name | node_count | master_count | status |
| f46b141c-ce77-4c50-9a41-83a1cec55d30 | k8sbay | 2 | 1 | CREATE_COMPLETE |

magnum pod-list k8sbay
| uuid | name |
| f7f2109f-92fa-4107-a3eb-751a09af2525 | nginx |

magnum pod-show nginx k8sbay
ERROR: Invalid input for field/attribute bay_uuid. Value: 'k8sbay'. unable to convert to uuid (HTTP 400)

magnum pod-show nginx f46b141c-ce77-4c50-9a41-83a1cec55d30
| Property | Value |
| status | Pending |
| uuid | f7f2109f-92fa-4107-a3eb-751a09af2525 |
| bay_uuid | f46b141c-ce77-4c50-9a41-83a1cec55d30 |
| labels | {'app': 'nginx'} |
| updated_at | None |
| host | None |
| images | [u'nginx'] |
| desc | None |
| created_at | 2015-10-22T22:10:34+00:00 |
| name | nginx |

magnum pod-show f7f2109f-92fa-4107-a3eb-751a09af2525 k8sbay
ERROR: Invalid input for field/attribute bay_uuid. Value: 'k8sbay'. unable to convert to uuid (HTTP 400)