Comment 0 for bug 1373955

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Dmitriy Ukhlov (dukhlov) wrote :

Error details returned from REST API as part of http response body have
more than one format.
explanation: "The resource could not be found."
code: 404
{ message: "Table 'resources111' does not exist" traceback: null type: "TableNotExistsException" }
title: "Not Found"
In some cases we also get error response in following format
{"__type":"com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20111205#ResourceInUseException","message":"T he resource which you are attempting to change is in use."}
It would be good to have all errors returned in same consistent format.
After having spoken to Illia from Mirantis, he has confirmed that its the 1st
fortmat that would be eventually used for all the errors. So this Etrack is
placeholder to track that task till its completed.
This is a low severity issue for us as we can work around it by checking for
both formats.