Comment 8 for bug 912957

Revision history for this message
Favux (favux-is) wrote :

Hi Maat,

Thanks for the bug report and the work around.

The Installer uses to add magick-rotation to the Unity system tray white list. It also enables the magick-rotation-extension for Gnome shell 3.2 and 3.4. According to dconf-editor Ubuntu has shifted the location of the Unity system tray white list in Precise but the old command with the old location still works. It may be a recent update changed that symlink(?). I haven't installed Magick in the last couple weeks so I don't know. From what you are saying perhaps the old command no longer works? Anyway something to keep an eye on. You can get the white list either with dconf-editor or:
    gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist
And also set it through dconf-editor. The get command has the old location, I don't remember off-hand the new location.

The install_log generated after an install should show a complaint if the Installer had a problem installing something. Worth looking through if something goes wrong. Unfortunately doesn't write to the install_log.