Comment 30 for bug 1241944

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Alexander Heuer (evilphish) wrote :

Ok I have done the following:

- Start magick-rotation by hand
- Flip the display to tablet mode
- Flip the display back to normal mode

-> Trackpoint is still stuck in tablet coordinates

Then I used the xinput command for the normal rotation:
xinput set-prop "TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1

And after executing it the trackpoint behaves like it should again. :)

Also I noticed that if I cycle through the different orientations, on all orientations after the first the trackpoint is off. So one would have to execute the appropriate xinput transformation matrix after every orientation change, the "execute before" and "after" option in the magick-rotation settings (which I can't access anyway via the gui due to the missing icon) would probably only be able to fix this if you only use the Normal and Tablet rotation.

Maybe something in the magick-rotation script is not executing the transform commands properly?