Comment 25 for bug 1241944

Revision history for this message
Alexander Heuer (evilphish) wrote :

Always happy to help :) Your neat little python thing is pretty much the most important thing to my x220t ^^ I'd hate to write my lab-log on real paper ^^
Also I wouldn't be caught dead using unity but since cinnamon is broken in 13.10 I have to, so lets get that testing underway before they fix it so it may help someone who actually wants to use unity ;)


Yes, the app indicator didn't show.
cat /etc/issue gives: Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l
unity --version gives: unity 7.1.2

Put you rcodeblock in a separate file which now has the contents:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
    import appindicator # should only be available in Unity (and KDE?)
    have_appindicator = True
    have_appindicator = False
print "have_appindicator", have_appindicator

executing this prints:
have_appindicator False

While we're on the subject of failing imports, during installation of your magnificent script, if one tries to execute MAGICK-INSTALL you actually get a popup saying:
There are no package managers that are compatible
with this installer. Please read INSTALLER.txt
for manual installation instructions.

what I actually did to fix this was comment out the line (7):
from apt.progress import InstallProgress
in the file
which allows the installer to continue.
Don't know if that is the desired behaviour with ubuntu, from your source it looked that the installer should work on this distro.