Comment 20 for bug 1241944

Revision history for this message
Favux (favux-is) wrote :

Excellent! I think you identified the problem. This is the key:
Magick is using a gtk.StatusIcon.

It should say App Indicator instead of gtk.StatusIcon. So the code I put in to identify Raring and later is failing. In both magick-rotation and near the top you'll see a code block similar to:

# to support App Indicator for Ubuntu Raring (13.04) Unity and later
from commands import getstatusoutput
find_distro = "cat /etc/issue"
distro_raw = getstatusoutput(find_distro)
distro_split = distro_raw[1].split(' ')
distro = distro_split[0]
release = distro_split[1]
major_version = (release.split('.'))[0]
if distro == "Ubuntu":
    if int(major_version) >= 13:
            import appindicator # should only be available in Unity (and KDE?)
            have_appindicator = True
            have_appindicator = False
        have_appindicator = False

Just add below each one:
have_appindicator = True

so it reads:

# to support App Indicator for Ubuntu Raring (13.04) Unity and later
from commands import getstatusoutput
find_distro = "cat /etc/issue"
distro_raw = getstatusoutput(find_distro)
distro_split = distro_raw[1].split(' ')
distro = distro_split[0]
release = distro_split[1]
major_version = (release.split('.'))[0]
if distro == "Ubuntu":
    if int(major_version) >= 13:
            import appindicator # should only be available in Unity (and KDE?)
            have_appindicator = True
            have_appindicator = False
        have_appindicator = False

have_appindicator = True

    gksudo gedit /usr/share/magick-rotation/
    gksudo gedit /usr/share/magick-rotation/magick-rotation

Let's see if that fixes it.