Comment 0 for bug 876312

Revision history for this message
Sébastien BEAU - (sebastien.beau) wrote :

On previous version the attributs available_sort_by was uncorrectly supported. Indeed the field available_sort_by was a many2one in openerp and a multiselect in magento. Now the field is a many2many in Openerp.
I just finish to refactor the code and and it's look like the syncronization openerp=>magento is still not correct.
Indeed if I push the value with the data None for available_sort_by (this is mean 'use default configuration') it's work perfectly.
But if I push with some option (for example : ['price', 'name']) Magento raise an error and tell us that the attributs available_sort_by is require. It's look like that with some version of magento the API have a bug.

I will try to spend more time to fix it but as the refactor doesn't introduce any regression, It not a priority for the moment.
Indeed tou can you syncronize still syncronize (as before) the category using the default configuration for default_sort_by and available_sort_by.
If it's really important for you to have this feature working perfectly, ask us.
Best regards