Comment 4 for bug 860143

Revision history for this message
Remco (remcobakker) wrote : Re: [Bug 860143] Re: <Fault 103: 'attribute"include_in_menu" required.'>

Op 27-09-11 15:08, Thierry schreef:
> I check revision 398, and add the missing code (include_menu/ Page
> layout), and its work.
> So i think a regression on the last revision... :-(
> Sébastien BEAU - a écrit :
>> Hi which version do you use of the connector?
>> Thanks

As far as i know it has been left out so the connector would still work
in version 5 of the openerp server.
You can make the change permanent by modifying
external.mappinglines.template.csv in your magentoerpconnector/settings

and adding the following line at line 80

  "mag_erp_procat_16","magento1324","product.model_product_category","include_in_menu","in_out","str","result=[]","result = [('include_in_menu',True)]"

When you reinstall the module the changes will stay and include in menu
will always be there

Good luck

Remco Bakker

Software ontwikkelaar

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