Comment 14 for bug 2036405

Revision history for this message
Joao Paulo (jonaspaulo) wrote :


I came across the same problem for exactly the same use case (automation).
What i did meanwhile (not ideally but for me it solves the question) is just change the vlan of the PXE interface (ens1f0 in my case) to another dummy vlan (which also sets the PXE interface to unconfigured) and eventually change it back to the provisioning vlan (or just let it be on the dummy one):

ens1f0_interface_id=$(sudo maas admin interfaces read $system_id -k | jq -r '.[] | select (.name=="ens1f0") | .id')
dummy_vlan_id=$(sudo maas admin vlans read 3 -k | jq -r '.[] | select (.name=="dummy") | .id')
provisioning_vlan_id=$(sudo maas admin vlans read 0 -k | jq -r '.[] | select (.name=="untagged") | .id')
sudo maas admin interface update $system_id $ens1f0_interface_id vlan=$dummy_vlan_id-k &>/dev/null
sudo maas admin interface update $system_id $ens1f0_interface_id vlan=$provisioning_vlan_id -k &>/dev/null (optionally change it back)

Hope it helps someone until the fix.