Comment 2 for bug 2070304

Revision history for this message
Elliott Rabe (erqtm) wrote :

> Did you manage to reproduce this issue on a MAAS instance with nothing going on (no deployments, no external API call to MAAS and similar)?
Yes I did. Since setting up the isolated test environment there are no deployments and I have been doing no API access.

> How many machines did you create on this test instance?
No MaaS machines. Browsing the UI to the machines endpoint shows nothing. I was using this endpoint with my username as a filter simply because on the production server that has hundreds of machines, this URL was where I observed the problem. When I switched to the test server, I continued to use the same endpoint, despite no machines existing.

Despite the lack of content, leaving the browser in a disconnected state for around a half hour following the "Trying to reconnect..." seems to create around a dozen and a half connections and keeps regiond pegged for several minutes. I am reasonably sure if I left it disconnected longer (ie. a few hours), regiond would be pegged for longer, despite an empty MaaS test system.