Comment 11 for bug 1923268

Revision history for this message
Lee Trager (ltrager) wrote :

lp:maas-images produces the bootloaders stream. It was previously pointed to Bionic for i386(pxelinux), amd64(shim+grub-signed), and arm64(grub) while PPC64(grub) is pointed to Xenial. In an attempt to get secure boot working I upgraded i386, amd64, and arm64 to Focal. arm64 and PPC64 had their grub "built" with grub-mkimage as they don't use the signed package. Part of this process included a custom grub.cfg which did the right thing. Our build host is still using Precise and the team managing it doesn't have time to upgrade it. I noticed that grub-signed is now available for arm64 so I moved arm64 to shim+grub-signed.

We test all changes to the stream however our current process doesn't test enlistment, only commissioning, testing, and deployment. We noticed this bug in our CI and filed it. A resolution is being discussed this week at the sprint.