Comment 58 for bug 1710278

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Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

Due to the complexity of the work and various challenges I'm facing (fix one problem, find another one, fix it, find another one, and so on) during the process of having a single thread package of bind9. Not counting the complexity to maintain both multi-thread/single-thread package types until the deadlocks situation upstream is fixed, plus version 9.14 not offering single-thread (possibly landing in next release 19.10, and/or 20.04 (which will also be LTS))

If 19.10 and/or 20.04 has bind 9.14 or late and the deadlocks situation is not fix, we will have to find another approach anyway, as the single-thread will no longer be an option.

The deadlocks situation will take time has IIRC they have to entirely refactor the locking mechanism inside bind9 (which is not trivial) so we may end up having to maintain the solution we take for quite some time.

With these new parameters, maybe we should re-consider our approach.

Possibly server team/MAAS team should take over at this point and have a cross team discussion about this situation ?

- Eric