Comment 0 for bug 944325

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Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

Please forgive the ignorance in opening this bug. I've not taken enough time to research.

I'm given the impression that there is no separation in MaaS between an "instance" and a "node". I'll define these in case my noomenclature is wrong, so you can hopefully figure out what I mean.
 * node: a physical system that used for one deployment, and then re-provisioned for another.
 * Instance: a specific deployment of a node

As I understand it, essentially node == instance.
But if there is no specific entity representing instance, I think it makes some things much more difficult or impossible.

As an example:
 * How many times has node 0x3339 been deployed?
 * Do large machines get used for longer times than small machines?
 * How many total hours has user Bob used?
 * what percentage of the time are our nodes being utilized?

Maybe some of those things can be obtained more difficultly using the current system (as I understand it).

It just seems to me that node and instance are two separate things, and it would be better to model them as such.